A laptop showcasing a vet clinics home page of their website

Unleashing Growth: Livewell Animal’s Digital Transformation


When Livewell Animal, a rapidly expanding network of animal hospitals, approached our design agency, they had a clear vision – to create a user-friendly online presence that could scale seamlessly as their business grew. With a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of the pet care industry, we embarked on a journey to bring their digital aspirations to life.

The Challenge: Scaling with Ease

As a leader in their industry, EPIC iO recognized the need to elevate their digital presence to match the caliber of their larger competitors. Their website, once a comprehensive resource, had become a tangled maze of outdated pages, confusing navigation, and inaccurate representations of their company's capabilities, failing to effectively communicate their unique software, DeepInsights, and the breadth of their offerings, including blogs, case studies, and events.

Our Approach: Collaborative and User-Centric

From the outset, we recognized the importance of a mobile-first approach, as users increasingly rely on their devices to access information and services. Leveraging Livewell Animal's design team's mockups, we meticulously refined the user experience, ensuring intuitive navigation and seamless interactions.

Throughout the project, we fostered a collaborative partnership with Livewell Animal's team, acting as a trusted strategic advisor. When new campaigns or strategies arose, we provided expert guidance, crafting visual components and mockups that aligned with their brand identity and objectives. Our iterative design process involved thorough competitor analysis, identifying gaps, and developing innovative solutions to address them.

A screenshot of Livewell Animal Hospital's home page

The Solution: A Scalable Digital Ecosystem

The result was a comprehensive website development solution designed for growth. Livewell Animal now boasts a suite of engaging features that elevate the user experience:

  • Email sign-ups: Allowing users to stay informed about new locations
  • Interactive maps: Enabling easy location discovery for pet owners
  • Dynamic location clocks: Providing real-time updates on operating hours

As we continue our partnership, we are actively collaborating on the development of an overarching Livewell Animal website, further streamlining the user journey and solidifying their online presence.

A screenshot of Livewell Animal Hospital's mobile home page
A screenshot of Livewell Animal Hospital's mobile resources page
A screenshot of Livewell Animal Hospital's mobile contact page

Looking Ahead: Continued Growth and Innovation

By the end of 2024, our goal is to have over 20 Livewell Animal locations live and thriving, each with a tailored digital experience that reflects the brand's commitment to exceptional pet care. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to refining our processes, ensuring seamless rollouts, and exploring new avenues for innovation that will keep Livewell Animal at the forefront of the industry.

Through our collaborative partnership, we have transformed Livewell Animal's digital landscape, empowering their rapid expansion while delivering exceptional user experiences. Together, we are paving the way for a future where pet owners and veterinary professionals can effortlessly connect with the highest quality of care, anytime, anywhere.