Website Content Audit Checklist

SCORE HQ is working on a redesign + new functionality for and all chapter websites-scheduled to go live at the end of FY22. Completing an audit is a great first step towards making the transition to the new website efficient and effective.

SCORE Chapter Webmasters & Leadership Teams, please review the checklist to ensure a thorough audit of your website content. If you have questions, please email or set up a meeting with the Ecropolis Team.

  • Please review content. If content is from 2019 and earlier and/or no longer relevant it is strongly recommended to remove and redirect. Ecropolis will make recommendations, unpublish/delete and apply appropriate redirects.
  • Take a few moments and glance over unpublished content. Please mark content that you may want to keep. We will delete unpublished content and apply redirects if needed. Note: To access unpublished content you will need to login with your webmaster login and find the unpublished content in your list of content. Search the title of the content and click edit to view content. **See screenshots below.
  • Review Success Stories. Items to consider: Is the company still in business? Have they changed their URL or Logo? Is the Success Story over 5 years old? If so, consider deleting or revising.
  • Are you using the content types correctly? For example: are you using basic pages for resources instead of the Resource Content Type?
  • Review Resources & Blog Posts: Are they over 3 years old? Is the content still relevant? e.g. Content related to PPP loans.
  • Review About Us: If you have a chapter about us page, review text. e.g. If you mention number of mentors or volunteers, is the number current? If you mention Chapter Leadership, is it current?
Email the Ecropolis Team Schedule a Meeting
  • Review Author Profiles: Are they current?
  • Review chapter data that syncs from your Engage Chapter account. Is your address, phone, fax, etc. current? Is your chapter currently virtual, hybrid or in-person?
  • Imagery: Are you using licensed images? If imagery is not licensed from a stock image library, or from SCORE\\\’s bank of stock images, it is imperative to have written permission to use the image on your website. Review SCORE Imagery Brand Guidelines
  • Review text and messaging. Does the Voice & Tone align with SCORE guidelines?
  • Does your Imagery and Voice align with SCORE DEI brand guidelines?
  • If you display your social accounts on your website are the links correct? Do you currently use the social platforms displayed?

Please make comments in your chapter content audit spreadsheet. Don\\\’t hesitate to contact our team with questions or concerns. We are here to help and make this process as smooth as possible.

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