Chapter Website Content Audit 2022

Woman on phone as she scrolls on computer that is showing SCORE website

SCORE HQ is working on a redesign + new functionality for and all chapter websites—scheduled to go live at the end of FY22. Completing an audit is a great first step towards making the transition to the new website as smooth as possible.

Discover the steps you need to follow and the items the Ecropolis team will complete.

When it comes to achieving your content marketing goals, you might be tempted to create and distribute new content. Content like this often gets buried and is seldom revisited and reused. Re-purposing and updating existing content can be an extremely effective content marketing technique. A regular audit of your content can help you determine if it needs to be improved or repurposed into other formats. The purpose of a content audit is to analyze and evaluate all the content on your website with the goal of identifying strengths and weaknesses in your content strategy and content development workflow. These evaluations will help you adapt your content plan to your current marketing objectives. Chapter Website Content Audit Checklist Content Audit
Chapter Expectations
  • Each SCORE chapter will receive a content audit spreadsheet (Google Sheet) from Ecropolis that includes page titles, URLs, and date content was created. Ecropolis will also provide an audit checklist and best practices.
  • Please review content. If content is from 2019 and earlier and/or no longer relevant it is strongly recommended to remove and redirect. Ecropolis will make recommendations, unpublish/delete and apply appropriate redirects.
  • Content may be outdated but could be improved or repurposed.
Ecropolis has the rest!!
  • Review Taxonomy terms, tag or re-tag most appropriate terms. (In order to set the groundwork for future website redesign/authenticated experience functionality, it is vital that these tags are correct.)
  • Review Google Analytics page traffic to ensure pages with high traffic are retained/updated.
  • Use Grammarly to pinpoint gramatical errors and check paragraph breaks for readability.
  • Assess imagery on all pages – not outdated, image integrity, accurately represents the topic, alt text included & accurately represents the image.
  • Ensure summary (meta description) and page title is well written and accuratley describes page content, using best practices for SEO.
  • Check for broken links, use relative links for interal links, open in new window for external links.
  • Optimize for accessibility
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