Google Analytics: Ecropolis Account Access

The first step is to create a Google Analytics account. Sign up at Like all other Google products, you will need to either already have a Google account (Gmail or other) or will need to create one.

To allow Ecropolis access to your account in order to configure your website to connect with Google Analytics follow the steps below.


Step 1

Go to the Admin area of Google Analytics. Clicking the gear-cogAdmin Cog Icon icon on the bottom-left side of the screen will take you to the admin area. Once in the admin area, click on Account User Management.

Click gear cog in botton left and then find user user management menu item

Step 2

You will see the list of users with access to your account. If you just created the account, you should be the only listed user. Click on the plus + icon in the top-right to add ecropolis as new user.

Where you click to add a user

Step 3

Add the email address shown in the screen capture below and then be sure to click the \’Add\’ button in the top-right corner of the screen.

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